Caring for our employees

Creating long-term value for our stakeholders, both internal and external, is integral to the Group’s sustainability approach. Allowing us to fulfil our role within the global healthcare value chain, we cultivate a culture of trust by maintaining the meaningful relationships we have built with our people, business partners, suppliers, and customers.

Material Sustainability Matters

Awareness promotion on safety
  • Launched Hartalega Life-Saving Rules to reinforce safety procedures
  • Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy
  • Safety Ambassador Programme
  • Annual HSE campaign and training workshops for all employees
Safety and health risk management
Health, Safety and Environment Accident Prevention Initiatives Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) measures
Driving safety across our supply chain
All vendors are required to comply with our expectations of ethical standards, including health and safety related matters.
Employees health and wellbeing
Voluntary health screening programme to detect symptoms for early treatment.
Good safety track record
Grade A facilities for Occupational Safety and Health workplace assessment (OSHWA) under the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).
Industrial collaboration and initiatives
Founding members of the Responsible Glove Alliance (RGA) and a member of the Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI).
Promoting fair and ethical recruitment process
  • Zero Cost Recruitment Policy
  • Due diligence assessment on potential recruitment agencies
  • Established four checkpoints to ascertain that recruitment fees are not paid at any point
  • Foreign workers are able to submit compliants in regards to unfair recruitment process through whistleblowing channel
  • Remediated a total of RM45.5 million in recruitment fees to foreign Hartanians
Supply chain management
  • Social compliance training programme for strategic suppliers
  • New suppliers and sub-contractors must undergo pre-assessment audits
Human rights risk management
Proactively monitored our performance and undertake risk-based social assessments and audits, in accordance with codes of conduct of our clientele and international standards such as SMETA and BSCI.
Educating our employees
All our employees are required to complete training moduleson the Group’s Social Compliance Policy and Group’s Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure on an annual basis.
Upholding socioeconomic compliance
  • Conducted external audits in accordance with locally and internationally recognised standards
  • Recorded zero incidents of non-compliance with socioeconomic laws and regulations.
Investing in our people
  • Launched our new learning hub, Hartalega Academy at the NGC
  • A dedicated in-house training department to plan and conduct all internal training programmes
  • Achieved a total of 390,520 employee training hours, a 152% increase as compared to FY2021
Promoting fair remuneration
All employees, including our foreign Hartanians who received an average bonus payout of 2.25 months in FY2022
Providing equal career advancement opportunities
Promoted foreign Hartanians through our Accelerated Development Programme
Notable accolades for employee engagement practices
  • Special Recognition for Commitment to Agile Workforce by Kincentric<
  • Diversity Champion by LinkedIn Talent Award

Our Key Achievements

Became one of the founding members of the Responsible Glove Alliance (RGA) and a member of the Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI).
Our facilities received an overall rating of A in the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) audit.
Rated Gold by WRAP.
Invested close to RM142 million in our first-rate workers’ accommodation to date.
ISO 45001:2018 certified for our Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management system.
Conducted 580 e-learning modules through HartaLearns and conducted 812 in-person training sessions at the Hartalega Academy.
Invested a total of RM5.87 million in training and talent development, achieved total employee training hours of 798,452 since FY21.
Maintained a 1:1 male and female wage ratio for all job levels.